Wir wuenschen Euch allen ein gutes neues Jahr mit ganz viel Glueck, Freude und vor allem Gesundheit.
We wish you all a prosperous happy new Year!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Snowstorm, Schneesturm
Wir hatten am Donnerstag einen Schneesturm, wobei es einen Rekord von 47cm inerhalb 24 Stunden geschneit hat. Es hat beinahe die ganze Stadt lahm gelegt, aber eine super schoene Winterlandschaft geschaffen. Ich war mit den Kindern heute beim Schlittenfahren und wir hatten jede Mege Spass.
Thursday we had a snow storm, it snowed a record of 47 cm in 24 hours. It almost brought the city to a still stand but created a beautiful winter landscape. I did go sliding with the kids today and we had lots of fun.
Thursday we had a snow storm, it snowed a record of 47 cm in 24 hours. It almost brought the city to a still stand but created a beautiful winter landscape. I did go sliding with the kids today and we had lots of fun.
The Christmals deer drowned in snow
For the kids it is paradise
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Wir haben Heiligabend schoen mit der kanadischen Familie und meiner Nachbarin gefeiert. Sogar der Weihnachtsmann ist persoenlich vorbeigekommen. Am Ende des Abends habe ich zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben Poker gespielt, es war sehr lustig.
We were celebrating Christmas Eve with the Canadian family and my neighbor. Even Santa made a short stop at our house. After the delicious food we were playing Poker, which was a first in my life.
We were celebrating Christmas Eve with the Canadian family and my neighbor. Even Santa made a short stop at our house. After the delicious food we were playing Poker, which was a first in my life.
Ein bisschen Kitsch muss sein
Ich habe mir dieses Jahr ein beleuchtetes Reh fuer den Garten gekauft, ich finde es suess wie es da abends so im Blumenbeet steht. Evan hat sich allerdings beschwert, dass wir nur weisse und keine bunten Adventslichter draussen haben, er findet unsere Dekoration so langweilig. Also denke ich, dass es naechstest Jahr noch einen weiteren Schritt Richtung kanadischer Weinachtsdekoration geht und ich ein paar bunte Lichter anbringen muss. ;-)
This yearI bouth myself a small deer as Christmas decoration for the yard. I find it cutehow it stands in the flower bed in the evening. Evan however complained that we have no colored Christmas light and finds our decoration boring. So I guess I will have to adapt a little bit more to the Canadian taste and buy some colored lights for next year. ;-)
This yearI bouth myself a small deer as Christmas decoration for the yard. I find it cutehow it stands in the flower bed in the evening. Evan however complained that we have no colored Christmas light and finds our decoration boring. So I guess I will have to adapt a little bit more to the Canadian taste and buy some colored lights for next year. ;-)
Salon de metier d`art
Vor ein paar Wochen war ich mit meiner Nachbarin auf einer grossen Handarbeitsausstellung die immer im Dezember kurz vor Weihnachten stattfindet, auf der Messe wird hangemachtes Geschirr, Kleider, Moebel, Spielzeug und Essen angeboten und verkauft. Besonders faszinieren fand ich die Arbeit eines lokalen Kuenstlers der aus Draht bonsaiaehnliche Baeume macht. Sie sehen aus wie echte kleine Baeume, die getrocknet worden sind. Wenn die Trauerweide nicht ein Vermoegen gekostet haette (600$), dann haette ich sie sofort gekauft. Schaut mal...
A couple of weeks ago I did go to the salon de metier d`art fair, were local artists show and sell their handmade items, such as china, furniture, clothes, toys, food etc. I was very fascinated by the work of a local artist who makes bonsai like small trees out of wire. The trees look like real Bonsais without leaves.If they would not cost a forturne (600$) I would have bought one of them rigt away. Check it out.
A couple of weeks ago I did go to the salon de metier d`art fair, were local artists show and sell their handmade items, such as china, furniture, clothes, toys, food etc. I was very fascinated by the work of a local artist who makes bonsai like small trees out of wire. The trees look like real Bonsais without leaves.If they would not cost a forturne (600$) I would have bought one of them rigt away. Check it out.
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